Money For Dreams

Release Date: 4-11-2021
Genres: Progressive, Rock

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1. Money For Dreams

About Album

This is the song that better represents Stage of Reality’s new sound. “Money For Dreams” is pure power. We’ve pushed the turbo boost button with riffs, melodies, solos, loops, wobble basses and drums.

We are surrounded by electronics, technology and artificial intelligence and for Stage of Reality music has always to be a mirror of the world we live in, so “Money For Dreams” is our personal declaration of a true music change.

“Money For Dreams” talks about the human condition of fighting to make our dreams come true, of giving our blood to accomplish what we love most, our passions. It can be music, or any other kind of passion, but remember you’re going to pay the price for it and very often that price it’s going to cost you a lot of money.

And you? What’s the dream are you willing to pay for?

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